Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Story Behind Thinking Differently®

I am someone who has, for as long as I can remember, been interested in how people think and operate in the world. Even as a teenager, while painting water pipes high up in factory rafters during the summer, I remember listening to people interact and wondering how they can work better together. It has been a lifetime pursuit that gets expressed through all I do both personally and professionally.

Though I do have a university degree, I was not a good student and it was not until my mid-thirties, early forties that my fascination for human development and the potential of the human spirit fully blossomed. I have created and refined over the years all the programs and the philosophy that I live and my clients use. It would have been no doubt easier to go out and buy into other people's training packages but I was driven to create, write and reflect on my own observations and conclusions.

The interesting challenge, of course, is to accept who you are and how you operate in the world and then to fully maximize this understanding. I would say that when this clarity hit me between the eyes my ability to help my clients increased significantly. I see my progress as the inverse to formal learning where you learn in order to apply knowledge and skills in the world.

For me, it can be described as "I am and now let's figure out what that really means to me and others." As you can no doubt conclude it is extremely important that I live what I teach. I believe to be truly effective in helping someone transform their life; I have to be prepared to go to the edges of myself. Life, after all is worth playing to the fullest.

I am happy to share this knowledge with Thinking Differently®, a philosophy based on how the root of thinking and perception influence actions and outcomes.

The Goal:To answer the unanswered questions you have within you that have probably been there for quite sometime, maybe even years; questions that have taken too much energy and time to answer. Questions about you, your life, your business, and what you really want.

I encourage you to share this new way of thinking and look forward to hearing how you have found the answers.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to Blog - Good to see you started with this I am sure and confident that it will help a lot of people.
    All the best
